Apple moves away from iTunes on PC with new Windows apps
Apple moves away from iTunes on PC with new Windows apps
Apple Music, Apple TV, and Apple Devices are all designed to replace iTunes on Windows.
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Apple is officially launching its Apple TV, Apple Music, Apple Devices apps on Windows this week. The apps were originally launched in preview last year, but Apple has now removed the preview tag after working with Microsoft to launch the apps.
The trio of apps, in combination with an overhauled iCloud for Windows app, are designed to move Windows users away from the reliance of iTunes, according to MacRumors. If you use Apple TV, Apple Music, and Apple Devices then iTunes is only required for access to podcasts and audiobooks on Windows.
The Apple Music app provides access to the iTunes library, alongside song and album purchases. Apple TV also lets Windows users watch movies and TV shows from their iTunes library, along with subscription streaming content. Apple Devices lets PC owners backup or restore iPhones and iPads, as well as sync content to those devices.
Microsoft has been working with Apple on the apps, and even welcomed their launch this week. Microsoft also previously rolled out iCloud Photos integration in Windows, enabling the ability to link an iCloud Photos library straight into the built-in Photos app on Windows 11.
Apple’s new Windows apps are only available on traditional x86-based PCs running Windows 10 or Windows 11, and there are no signs yet of ARM64 versions for Qualcomm-powered Windows devices.
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