PC shipments surge as the world gets serious about working from home
PC shipments surge as the world gets serious about working from home
The pandemic has created a demand for PCs and laptops
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The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has made it more difficult to buy a new laptop recently, and we’re now starting to see how PC shipments have been affected. While PC shipments declined sharply during the impact to manufacturing in Q1, both IDC and Gartner report that shipments have now grown in Q2 despite an economic slowdown.
Remote working and schooling is undoubtedly fueling an increase in demand for PCs. Businesses and students have had to adapt to working and learning remotely, and demand for laptops has increased as a result. IDC says PC shipments have increased 11.2 percent year-over year, while Gartner places it at a more modest 2.8 percent.
Gartner does not include Chromebooks in its PC shipments, but IDC includes them in its numbers. It’s clear Chromebooks are helping drive overall PC demand. IDC even highlights an “intense Chromebook demand from both consumers and institutions” in Canada, and “record demand from stay-at-home orders” for PCs in general in the US.
PC shipment numbers don’t reflect actual sales, though. These are simply shipments to retailers like Best Buy who then sell the laptops to consumers. Sales will likely be higher, as consumers buy up existing inventory. We’ve seen long delivery times and stock issues for laptops at some retailers in the US, and NPD reported a mid-40 percent year-over-year increase in unit sales of Windows laptops and Chromebooks in May.
Microsoft also reported an increase in demand for PCs during its latest earnings back in April, and a big overall jump in Windows usage. “The PC is back” joked Jared Spataro, head of Microsoft 365, in an interview with The Verge at the beginning of the pandemic. “People are recognizing… trying to use an iPad to work from home is not gonna work. That PC form factor is huge and you can see that data in everything from supply chain and what’s happening with devices.”
Microsoft is also adjusting its Windows 10X plans thanks to the pandemic. The 10X operating system variant will now be arriving on traditional single-screen laptop devices first. Microsoft had originally planned to introduce Windows 10X on dual-screen devices, but the pandemic shifted the company’s priorities.
戴爾科技(DELL Technologies) 9日舉辦媒體餐敘,針對今年AI當道,成為數據時代重要技術之一,從戴爾生成式AI脈動調查指出,78% IT決策者表示期待生成式AI在企業中發揮潛力 ,並將生成式AI視為提高生產力、簡化流程及節省成本的方式。採用AI從資料中獲取價值是企業現正積極執行的最重要任務之一,AI改變了資料收集、儲存和使用的方式,帶來新基礎架構、建立產品的新方法和更有效率的流程,並推動數據驅動的創新。
▼ DELL戴爾科技 。(圖/DELL提供)
戴爾從五大關鍵著手 協助客戶更快將構想轉化為創新
根據戴爾創新催化劑調查 ,針對企業創新成熟度、未來創新及商業策略的分析,81%受訪者認為AI與生成式AI將使自己所處的產業出現激烈變革;56%受訪者指出創新是商業策略的重要部分,且已經在企業內各方面發揮效益;48%受訪者表示不知道未來3至5年產業會發展成什麼樣貌,顯見未來仍有很大的改變空間。調查中亦分析企業應如何通過成功的創新規劃應對挑戰,57%受訪者表示很難跟上變革的步伐;92%的企業其員工在推動創新時面臨挑戰;82%受訪者指出數據是凸顯差異化的要素,而生成式AI策略必須涉及到運用與保護資料。由此可見許多企業仍缺乏相關技術支援,且需面臨新技術和轉型帶來的諸多挑戰。