Toshiba is officially out of the laptop business
Toshiba is officially out of the laptop business
The company sold its remaining shares of its PC business to Sharp
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Toshiba quietly exited the laptop business once and for all last week, ending a 35-year run by transferring its remaining minority stake in its PC business to Sharp. Two years ago, Toshiba sold an 80.1 percent stake of its PC business to Sharp for $36 million, and Sharp renamed the division Dynabook. Sharp exercised its right to buy the remaining 19.1 percent of shares back in June, and Toshiba released a statement August 4th that the deal was completed
“As a result of this transfer, Dynabook has become a wholly owned subsidiary of Sharp,” Toshiba said in a statement.
The company made the first PC laptop in 1985: The T1100 boasted internal rechargeable batteries, a 3.5-inch floppy drive, and 256K of memory. ComputerWorld’s 20-year retrospective of the T1100 notes that Toshiba executives were unsure about the portable computer, but eventually came around, and began selling the T1100 for around $2,000.
During the 1990s and early 2000s Toshiba was among the top PC manufacturers, but as more players crowded into the market and with fewer unique features to offer, Toshiba’s laptops waned in popularity. By the time it sold its stake to Sharp, Toshiba’s share of the PC market had dwindled from its 2011 peak of 17.7 million PCs sold to about 1.4 million in 2017, according to Reuters.
Windows 先別更新!外媒《WindowsLatest》報導指出,微軟三月份釋出的最新版本爆發多起「藍白當機」災情,更有用戶慘遇無限循環,根本難以正常使用電腦。
據悉本次災情是出自於 13 日推出的 Windows 11 KB5035853 版本,微軟主要是強化與 Android 系統之間的連結,能夠立即將螢幕截圖從手機上傳至電腦,然而小規模的功能新增,卻意外釀成不少 Bug 浮現。
像是有多名用戶向《WindowsLatest》回報,在安裝 KB5035853 之後,會在登入畫面碰上藍白當機畫面,更有人是不斷重複出現。即便是可以正常登入帳號,亦有用戶指出,開機時間明顯延長很多,甚至災情也波及到印表機的使用。
外媒《TechRadar》亦發現,本次更新會影響 AMD 的 GPU 運行,有多款採用 AMD 處理器的
基隆收購筆電、華碩 ROG Ally 遊戲掌機,在 Reddit 論壇都有用戶回報卡頓的狀況。
目前微軟並未針對本次 Bug 做出回應,建議用戶可以暫緩更新觀察情況,如果不幸已經遇上災情,可以在開始選單內的「設定」-「Windows Update」-「更新記錄」-「解除安裝更新」,移除更新檔案。