Hands-on with the Surface Laptop Go 3
Hands-on with the Surface Laptop Go 3
The new laptop looks and feels a lot like the previous version.
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Microsoft just announced the Surface Laptop Go 3 at its Surface event on Thursday, and we’ve gotten to briefly try it out as part of a demo session after the main presentation.
As we expected after watching Microsoft’s presentation, the laptop looks just like last year’s Surface Laptop Go 2 in person. It’s very light, but it has a solid build. That lightness is the real draw of this device — but the low-resolution 12.4-inch screen, at 1536 x 1024, feels like a bit of a disappointment when the rest of the hardware is built with such high quality. The nice chassis makes the screen look all the more grainy, and with Copilot taking up a good chunk of the right side of the screen, the interface has a cramped feel. We’ll have to conduct more extensive testing to see how much the resolution ultimately impacts the user experience.
Keys are satisfyingly clicky with a good amount of resistance. But that’s to be expected; Surface keyboards are some of the best, and this one is very comfortable. The touchpad is still a bit small, though it has a nice click.
The laptop we saw on the demo floor had a 12th Gen Intel Core i5-1235U, and you can buy it with as much as 16GB of RAM and 256GB of storage. That processor is somewhat old news at this point, since Intel just announced its 14th Gen lineup, though we would expect its performance to be adequate for general use cases.
Microsoft says it also offers up to 15 hours of battery, which hopefully will pan out in the real world; one of Dan Seifert’s biggest knocks on the Surface Laptop Go 2 was that it had lousy battery life.
The Surface Laptop Go 3 is up for preorder and will be available on October 3rd. It starts at $799. If you want to learn more about what Microsoft revealed, check out our post about the biggest announcements from the show.
▲去年第 4 季 OLED 面板出貨量環比增長 41%。(圖/取自免費圖庫Unsplash)
根據顯示器供應鏈顧問公司 DSCC 最新發布的OLED 出貨量報告顯示,2023年下半年OLED面板出貨量成長9%,此外去年第 4 季 OLED 面板出貨量環比增長 41%,同比增長 31%,達到 2.92 億片,此前環比增長 18%,同比增長 14%。 而其中三星顯示仍以37%佔比居冠。
DSCC 高級總監 David Naranjo 表示,在 2022 年同比下降和 2023 年上半年庫存正常化後,2023 年 2 季度的複蘇得以實現。
2023 第 2 季 OLED 智慧型手機較前季成長42%,全年成長12%。 OLED 智慧手錶較 2023 年上半年成長 101%,全年成長 1%。 OLED 平板電腦銷量較 2023 年上半年成長 58%,全年成長 15%。 OLED 筆記型電腦較 2023 年上半年成長 64%,全年下降 25%。
2023 年第 4 季度,OLED 智慧型手機面板出貨量較上季成長 51%,較去年同期成長 27%,而 23 年第 3 季和 OLED 筆記型電腦面板出貨量較去年同期成長 12%,較去年同期成長 25 %在 2023 年第 3 季環比成長 20% 和年減 18% 後,季增 58%,較去年同期成長 36%。
2023年第四季,三星顯示器(SDC)在OLED面板出貨量方面繼續領先,佔37%市佔率。京東方(BOE)、中星(China Star)、和輝光電(EDO)、樂金顯示器(LGD)和維信諾(Visionox)的市佔率均有所成長。
DSCC 資深主管David Naranjo表示,2023年下半年OLED面板出貨量成長的主要原因是庫存正常化以及智慧手機、智慧手錶、平板及