Asus announces completely ridiculous water-cooled gaming laptop


Asus announces completely ridiculous water-cooled gaming laptop

Asus announces completely ridiculous water-cooled gaming laptop


The ROG GX700 is coming for your kids

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Behold the behemoth! Asus’ all-new flagship gaming laptop is less of a notebook and more of an oddly-rearranged desktop PC. The 17-inch Asus GX700, making its debut here at IFA in Berlin, is among the first laptops to feature Intel’s overclocking-ready K series Skylake CPUs, and it comes with a full water cooling system to help keep it chilly.

Nvidia GeForce GTX graphics and a 4K resolution are the only other details that Asus is disclosing right now. The Taiwanese company is just teasing the existence of the GX700 — which can, of course, function as a pretty powerful gaming laptop without the water cooling too — and promising to deliver the full specs and pricing information as we get closer to this outlandish machine’s release. Asus tells us it will be on sale at some point before the end of this year, so stay tuned for more — this is a story worth following whether you’re in the market for a water-cooled laptop or not.




蘋果於上週發布 iPad Pro 高階平板,罕見搶跑 Mac 電腦採用新一代 M4 晶片,倘若用不習慣平板,仍打算購入傳統電腦,外媒《彭博社》就透露 Mac 最新的升級計畫,爆料今年就會有強化版的 M4 Pro、M4 Max 搭載在 MacBook Pro 上問世。

相較於 M3 系列晶片,iPad Pro 獨家搭載的 M4 晶片最大亮點是 AI 效能,38TOPS 的運算能力聲稱足以擊敗當前任何一款 AI PC。在傳統的 CPU、GPU 升級幅度較小,只有從 8 核心增加至 10 核心,以及將記憶體頻寬從每秒 100GB 略增至每秒 120GB。

根據目前在 GeekBench 6 平台流出的跑分資訊,十核心的 iPad Pro(M4)於 CPU 跑分約能追上 M3 Pro,面對核心數量有明顯差異的 M3 Max,仍是處於劣勢。對比標準版 M3,則有單核心提升 50% 的水準。

《彭博社》即指出,M4 晶片將從今年陸續現身於 Mac 電腦,在下半年可以期待 MacBook Pro 換上 M4 Pro、M4 Max,入門款 MacBook Pro 也將能選配 M4 晶片,還會有支援 M4、M4 Pro 的 Mac mini。

入門款 MacBook Air 則是要等到明年,才有機會用上 M4 晶片,意味著短時間內,蘋果 iPad Pro 的效能都將持續領先 MacBook Air。 另外,Mac Studio、Mac Pro 則預計在明年進行更新,有望用上高階款的 M4 晶片。



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