Microsoft’s plans tells The Verge that Bethesda is also considering bringing Indiana Jones and the Great Circle to
基隆收購ps5.A new multi-platform approach for certain Xbox games is emerging inside Microsoft, we’re told, with the company weighing up which titles will remain exclusive and others that will appear on Switch or
基隆收購ps5 in the future. Indiana Jones appears to be part of this new wave of multi-platform games.While Bethesda will launch its Indiana Jones game first as an Xbox console exclusive, it’s currently set to have a rather short period of exclusivity we’re told. A release for
基隆收購ps5 is being considered for some months later, with Bethesda tentatively targeting a December 2024 launch for the Xbox and PC versions.Exact timing and platform availability for Indiana Jones and the Great Circle could change, particularly as Microsoft’s new multi-platform approach for Xbox games hasn’t been finalized. Microsoft has been evaluating bringing certain Xbox exclusives to
基隆收購ps5 and Nintendo Switch in recent months. Sea of Thieves and Hi-Fi Rush have both reportedly been under cross-platform consideration, and we understand Microsoft has also looked into bringing other Xbox games to rival consoles.We’re told that a Hi-Fi Rush announcement for non-Xbox platforms is expected in the coming weeks. Datamined game assets hinted at a release for
基隆收購ps5 and Nintendo Switch earlier this week. XboxEra is also reporting that Microsoft is planning to bring Starfield to
基隆收購ps5, following the release of the game’s “Shattered Space” expansion for Xbox and PC.Last year we learned during the FTC v. Microsoft case that Indiana Jones and the Great Circle was originally planned for multiple consoles. Pete Hines, Bethesda’s former head of global publishing, testified that Disney had a contract for multiple consoles and that the deal was amended to be an Xbox console exclusive after Microsoft acquired Bethesda.Hines put the change down to potential delays in bringing the game to multiple consoles, adding that “you’re dealing with a licensor who’s going to have a ton of feedback on what you’re making, add a lot of time to your schedule.”An Indiana Jones launch on
基隆收購ps5 would certainly be a surprise, but we’re told there’s still an intense debate internally at Microsoft over which Xbox games to bring to rival consoles. It now looks like Microsoft has settled on some Xbox titles making their way to
基隆收購ps5 and Nintendo Switch, but like I said last month the devil will be in the details.CommentsMost PopularMost PopularFortnite was down all dayRivian surprises with R3 and R3X electric SUVsOne fan spent three years saving a Final Fantasy game before it shut downMicrosoft says Russian hackers stole source code after spying on its executivesLogitech’s best gaming mouse just got betterVerge Deals / Sign up for Verge Deals to get deals on products we’ve tested sent to your inbox daily.Email (required)Sign upBy submitting your email, you agree to
蘋果iPhone 15系列正式亮相,台灣大(3045)宣布9月15日晚上8點起開放預購,僅需預繳3,000元訂金,即可享優先取機權利,10月31日前完成申辦5G指定專案、在myfone網路門市申辦,最多可獲4000元momo幣;另還可抽價值10360元的愛瘋大禮包、SONY
▲iPhone 15 Pro。(圖/翻攝YouTube/Apple)
台灣大個人用戶事業商務長林東閔表示,今年iPhone 15系列迎來多項創新,全系列機款均加入「動態島」、改為USB-C充電接頭,相機鏡頭亦有感升級,如iPhone 15 Pro Max鏡頭設計120公釐的5倍望遠相機,擁有iPhone歷來最長的光學變焦範圍,可從更遠處拍攝清晰特寫。iPhone 15 Pro系列也將在影片拍攝加入全新功能,可為Apple Vision Pro錄製空間影片,使用者將能以3D效果捕捉珍貴時刻,未來將以Vision Pro做為完美體驗載具進行觀賞。
林東閔指出,以往果粉換機最常見頻率是「N-2」,亦即2年約期到了就換新機,因iPhone 15全機款加入「動態島」等亮點,看好不只帶動「N-2」果粉換機,也可能吸引iPhone 14或iPhone 14 Plus 用戶升級,預估iPhone 15系列銷售量較上一代成長至少1成。
iPhone 15全系列機款均加入「動態島」,原有的Lightening充電接頭也更換為USB-C。iPhone 15 Pro系列首度配備3nm製程的A17 Pro晶片,是首款採用航太等級鈦金屬設計的iPhone,更是歷來最輕盈的Pro機型,靜音鍵改採按壓式的動作按鈕,單按可指定功能,長按則回到靜音切換,讓快捷使用體驗更多元, iPhone 15 Pro系列有黑色鈦金屬、白色鈦金屬、藍色鈦金屬、原色鈦金屬色等4種顏色。
iPhone 15和iPhone 15 Plus則配備A16仿生晶片,相機升級為4800萬主鏡頭,大幅提升拍攝解析度與成像能力。機身顏色有黑色、藍色、綠色、黃色、粉紅色等5種顏色。
因應iPhone 15系列全面換成USB-C充電接頭,台灣大myfone門市也獨家推出充電組合包優惠,購買iPhone 15系列加購PQI 35W充電組合包,加購價享約79折優惠;myfone門市也引進13項品牌保護殼,指定殼套加滿版玻璃保貼超值組合優惠;達人手工包膜服務享全機包膜9折優惠,現場有多款膜料材質與圖騰供參觀選購。
另外,蘋果也同步發表全新Apple Watch Series 9、Apple Watch Ultra 2,9月22日開賣。Apple Watch Series 9 是Apple史上第一款實踐100%碳中和的產品,配備S9 SiP晶片強化運算速度,螢幕最大亮度也提升至上一代的兩倍,並加入手勢運用,用戶忙到空不出手時,只要將食指與拇指,雙指互點兩下,就能接聽電話、開啟通知、播放和暫停音樂等,輕鬆好用。頂級規格、錶面尺寸最大的Apple Watch Ultra 2則有堅固的鈦金屬錶殼、精準的雙頻 GPS,開啟低耗電模式最長可達72 小時的電池續航力,提供戶外極限運動者使用。